Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Where to find Battles of the Pacific War 1941-1945

"Battles of the Pacific War 1941-1945" can be found at both LuLu (now with 40% discount) and Amazon. I have included links to the book's pages on these sites. These hyperlinks are included on the link list on the right side of this blog. Or you can just check out the hyperlinks within this post.

Don't forget that this book comes in both paperback and Kindle format. The Kindle format is the e-book alternative for the book. If you have an Amazon Kindle then this can be great alternative as it includes an audio option for any of its books.They can store lots of books and are a greener alternative. Save the rainforests!

Now the Kindle book is also a part of the Kindle Owners' Lending Library. This is like an Amazon Kindle library for e-books. You can take out and return the e-book in much the same way you would at a library. Check out this page for further details on how.

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